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Home > english-chinese > "walk [trot; run] someone off his legs" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "walk [trot; run] someone off his legs"


Related Translations:
the military circles:  military军界
the wounded personnel:  wounded伤员
trots:  特罗茨
trot:  vi.(trotted; trotting )1.(马)小跑;(人)小跑着走,急匆匆地走。2.〔戏谑语〕走着去。vt.1.使(马)小跑;快步走过;搁在膝上颠(小孩等)。2.〔口语〕带着走,领着走 (round; to)。3.〔美俚〕使用现成的译本(做课外作业)。4.〔美国〕跳舞。短语和例子The child trotted along after his mother. 小
johnny trots:  〔用作 sing.〕〔美俚〕腹泻,拉肚子。
spanish trot:  〔美国〕缓步。
turkey trot:  火鸡舞。
trotting horse:  快步马
square trot:  平稳快步
trot on:  小跑而来
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